PRODUCT DATA SHEET As a part of a continuous commitment to product development the company reserves the right to alter the specification of its products without prior notice TANK VEHICLES USED FOR BOTTOM LOADING REQUIRED FEATURES LOCATION OF ADAPTORS The bottom loading adapter or adaptors must be insatlled on the curb side of the tank vehicle (see figure 3). HORIZONTAL SPACING OF ADAPTORS Where more than one tank vehicle adaptor is provided, the vertical centerlines must be at least 10 inch (254 mm) apart. The face of the adaptor must be in a vertical plane and must be located no more than 6 in. (150 mm) inside the maximum width of the vehicle in the API RP1004| BOTTOM LOADING ENVELOPE API RP1004 adaptor area.Whenmulitple adaptor are installed, adaptors must not be horizontally spaced on more than 6 ft (1.83 m) center (see Figure 3). VERTICAL SPACING OF ADAPTORS The tank vehicle adaptors must be installed on centers that are not more than 5.4 ft (1.37 m) above grade when the vehicle tank is empty and not less than 2 ft (0.61 m) above grade when the tank is full. Experience indicates taht for ease of loading, a height of not more than 3.75 ft (1.14 m) and not less than 2.5 ft (0.84 m) is desirable (see Figure 3). BOTTOM LOADING AND VAPOR RECOVERY FOR MC-306 AND DOT-406 TANK MOTOR VEHICLES Sheet Ref. CSAPIRP1004 - May 2006 - Revision 0 EMCO WHEATON UK Limited Channel Road · Westwood Industrial Estate Margate, Kent CT9 4JR · UK Phone + 44 1843 221521 · Fax +44 1843 295444 · [email protected]