Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

EATONAerospace Group TF100-106D May 2013 5 Illustrated Options & Weights * For a dual HECV setup specify two options in series; e.g. F5F4 results in 55 psi (3.792 bar) and 45 psi (3.103 bar) units with the former assembled nearest the nozzle inlet. If two HECVs are desired, specify the highest pressure setting first. 61656 Blockout Device Model 61656 Blockout Device is recommended for use when defueling through a hose end control valve (HECV) or when it is necessary to check a secondary pressure control device in a system. Model 61656 does not introduce fuel into the ambient port of the HECV which can later become a dangerous spray during operation. It can be used on most Eaton hose end control valves. 64000 Poppet Adjustment Gauge This simple inexpensive gauge provides an accurate method of achieving the proper adjustment of the poppet of Model 64348 nozzle. The gauge can be used on all Eaton underwing nozzles, except Models 64200 and 64250. Use gauge Model 64250ST-1 for these later models. 61607 Ball Tool for Model 64348/64349/61428 & 61429 Nozzles Model 61607 ball removal and installation tool is utilized to collect and automatically count the balls used in the swivel joints of the nozzle. It is simple to use and assures that the proper installation is achieved. The following special tools are recommended for the maintenance of the Model 64348 nozzle: It is suggested that a separate tool be used for each swivel joint. A minimum of two are required for the simplest of nozzle configurations (one for the collar swivel and one for the hose swivel). Three are required for a nozzle having a hose end control valve (HECV) or a ball valve.