Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

3 Three categories are based on specific fuel types: r Category C: For commercial aviation turbine fuels r Category M: For military aviation turbine fuels and JP-8 r Category M100: For thermal stability enhanced JP-8 military aviation turbine fuels Three types of filter/separator vessels for various locations in an aviation fueling system: r Type S: Capable of handling significant amounts of water and dirt in the fuel r Type S-LD: Capable of handling significant water and low dirt content r Type S-LW: Capable of handling significant dirt and low water content Filter/Separator Airport Storage Refueler Fueling Cabinet Dispenser Towable Hydrant Cart Vel-Max® VF-61, VF-62 or VF-609 Airport Hydrant System General Aviation Commercial and Military Aviation Category Typical Type S-LW Locations (as determined by end-user) ® VCA® (Compliant with EI 1598) ® Type VCA® (Compliant with EI 1598) * Prefilter elements compliance with EI 1590 and vessel compliance with EI 1596 is customer dependent. Optional EI 1583 QualifiedVessels/AbsorbentType Cartridges for jet fuel without anti-icing additive. Type S (per EI 1596) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 5 Parker HFFD research testing and product development team continues to seek innovative solutions to many fuel quality problems and issues. Among some of Parker HFFD’s most recent product innovations are the:  DPM™ – Differential Pressure Module monitors differential pressure of filter monitor or filter water separator vessels  FDPM® MKII – Flow Differential Pressure Module, Mark II provides automatic reporting of flow corrected differential pressure for varying flow rates.  VCA® – Velcon Contaminant Analyzer for real-time fuel quality analysis in the field.  VCA-CV – The VCA combined with a Cla-Val valve. 1 Filter/Separator 2 Water Absorption 3 Micronic Filtration 5 Fuel Condition Monitoring & Control Surfactant Removal 4 FILTRATION SOLUTIONS