Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

9 CARTRIDGE CODE IDENTIFICATION Model Flow Control (perforation) Dimensions (inches) Media OD Mounting End ID Opposite End ID SO-3xxC Uniform 31⁄16 2 Blind TCS SO-3xxV Variable 31⁄16 2 Blind TCS SO-4xxC Uniform 49⁄16 3½ Blind TCS SO-4xxV Variable 49⁄16 3½ Blind TCS SO-6xxC Uniform 6 3½ 3½ TCS SO-6xxCA Uniform 6 3½ Blind TCS SO-6xxCM Uniform 6 4½ Blind TCS SO-6xxVA(5) Variable 6 3½ Blind TCS SO-6xxV(5) Variable 6 4½ Blind TCS SO-6xxPV(5) Variable 6 41/8 Blind TCS SO-6xxPLF3* Uniform 6 3½ 3½ Pleated Paper SO-6xxPLBZ* Uniform 6 3½ Blind Pleated Paper SO-6xxVASN(5) Variable 6 3½ Blind Synthetic SO-6xxVSN(5) Variable 6 4½ Blind Synthetic SO-6xxPVSN(5) Variable 6 41⁄8 Blind Synthetic *The shelf life for pleated paper separators (for example, SO-xxxPLF3 and SO-6xxPLBZ) is one year. SO-6xxPVSN(5), andSO-6xxVASN(5) aresyntheticseparator cartridges. To achieveoptimumflowdistribution all of thesecartridges incorporate avariableholepatterninner tube combinedwithauniformholepattern outer tubespecificallydesignedfor installationinvertical filter/separators. Pleaserefer toParkerVelcon’s datasheet #1521 foroverall separator dimensionsandgeneral specifications. CATEGORY FUELS Parker HFFDhas tested and qualified a comprehensive range of products tomeet the EI 1581 5th Edition Specification. For a complete listing of Parker HFFD’s current qualification tests, please visit our website at Thecategories for this specificationare: CATEGORY C All of Parker VelconTCSSeparator Cartridges arequalified forCategoryC. CATEGORY M Thiscategorycoversmilitaryfuels,such asJP8(similartoJetAbutcontainingantiicingandotheradditives).ParkerVelcon separatorsforthiscategoryarecurrently TCSSeparatorsSO-6xxV5,SO-6xxVA5, andSO-6xxPV5,aswellasSynthetic SeparatorsSO-6xxVSN,SO-6xxPVSN, SO-6xxVSN5andSO-6xxVASN. CategoryMqualifiedcartridgesalso qualify forCategoryC. CATEGORY M100 This category is for military fuels such as JP8+100. The TCS Separators for M100 are currently the SO6xxCMand SO-6xxGS (three-stage). To obtain your authorized Parker Velcon EI 1581 5th Edition Similarity Data Report for existing vessels, please complete Velcon Similarity Certification form # VEL1728. SPECIFICATIONS • TCSmedium is 200 mesh stainless steel screen coated on both sides with green Teflon® • The screen is lockseam folded and fastened with an internal aluminum clip • Pleatedmedium is silicone treated resin impregnated paper with a protective outer aluminum screen jacket • AluminumTube • Aluminum and/or glass filled nylon endcaps • Buna-N gaskets • pH range: 5 to 9 • Maximumoperating temperature: 200°F SO SERIES CARTRIDGES The code identification table to the left are themost commonly used. A variety of other styles are available for special applications. Contact a local area distributor for details. SO-6xxPLF3 pleated separators come in lengths of 11,14, 16, 29, and 33 inches. SO-6xxPLBZ pleated separators come in lengths of 22, 29, 33, and 44 inches. SO-6xxC cartridges are available in these same stackable lengths plus longer lengths. Single-unit designs, however, are recommended for installation ease and lower cost. Other styles listed in the table are not intended to be stacked. Parker Velcon variable size hole pattern cartridges should not be replacedwith uniformhole pattern cartridges unless appropriate fullscale test data can be supplied showing equivalent performance. SO-6xxVASN/VSN/PVSNseparators are intended for customerswhowant a separator for disposal use rather thana re-useable filter, whichcanbe cleanedamaximumof two times. EI 1581 5TH EDITION QUALIFIED SEPARATORS TheSO-6xxV5, SO-6xxPV5, andSO6xxVA5areTeflon®CoatedScreen (TCS) cartridges. SO-6xxVSN(5),