Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

22 This M-32-F spring-balanced loader (right) is ideal for bottom loading petroleum-based products, including gasoline, diesel, biodiesel and ethanol. The photo to the right shows a bypass loading arm. In this application, the loading arm is not carrying product but is carrying the load of the pipes above it. This application is typical of a situation where the customer wanted to use components that were compatible with the liquid, plus needed the arm to act as a support, holding the load while making it easy to manipulate and control loading. The photo to the left shows how loading arms can be made to crossover each other to facilitate loading of various compartments in a tanker truck. Note the canopy. Its height limited the vertical travel of the loading arms. Design considerations like this are very important. Your OPW sales representative will be glad to make an on-site evaluation of your loading area. A P P L I C A T I O N S This G-32-F (left) is attached to a riser located at ground level. It offers an easy way to bottom unload a rail car. While not in use, you can see how it is easily “parked” outside the railroad envelope. Further down the tracks, you can see a hose attached to a riser, inside the envelope and perilously close to the rail.