PHONE: (800) 547-9393 • (513) 696-1500 • Fax: (800) 245-8536 • (513) 932-9845 Printed in USA 9/08 2726 Henkle Drive • Lebanon, OH 45036 • © Copyright 2008, OPW Engineered Systems 27 C U S T O M A P P L I C A T I O N S The OPW Engineered Systems pneumatic-controlled loaders are designed specifically to help make operations simpler, safer and more efficient. Pneumatic-actuated loading systems utilize air to create leverage points that allow the loading arm to be moved and positioned effortlessly. And because they are designed for precision control, these loaders can be handled easily by one operator, without heavy pushing, pulling and lifting. Strenuous lifting or moving by the operator is eliminated. Benefits • Easy to operate/maneuver, air-controlled actuation eliminates strenuous pushing, pulling or lifting • Long-range design to compensate for vehicle misplacement • Easily stores away from vehicles • Safely stores outside the envelope of clearance • Available in both bottom and top-loader configurations Features • Available in 2", 3", 4" and 6" • Available in steel, stainless steel, aluminum and specialty alloys • Choice of flanged, threaded or all-welded construction Pneumatic Controlled Loaders