Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

One Connection for Overfill Prevention and Grounding Scully Signal Company 70 Industrial Way Wilmington MA 01887-3479 USA [email protected] phone: 617 692 8600 toll-free phone: 800 2 SCULLY(728559) fax: 617 692 8620 ISO 9001 registered THE SCULLY GROUNDHOG™ PROVES I T ! The Scully Groundhog™ gives you complete assurance that grounding to the vehicle's frame has been accomplished*. The Groundhog™ is an intelligent system which continuously and automatically monitors the grounding connection during the entire loading operation. The Groundhog™ is designed to immediately shut down the loading operation if the ground tie-in is broken. That’s proof-positive, something no other system can provide. The Groundhog™ control monitor is mounted at the gantry. Indicator lights on the face of the control monitor are visual proof that proper grounding has been accomplished. The Groundhog™ requires that each vehicle is equipped with a specially designed Scully electronic ground ball or bolt. Before the loading operation can begin, the controller must see an intelligent return signal from the ground ball or bolt, indicating that a proper grounding connection has been made. The Groundhog™ Control Unit can be wired into your existing Scully Overfill Prevention System for the ultimate safety system. Just one connection gives you overfill and grounding protection. This single connection simplifies loading and eliminates the need for additional plugs and cables at the gantry. The Groundhog™ utilizes a spare conductor in the existing Scully Overfill Prevention Plug and Cable together with a special Scully Ground Bolt mounted on each vehicle. The Scully Ground Bolt’s sensing lead is wired to the Scully Overfill Prevention Socket. Only Scully offers you a complete, integrated overfill prevention and vehicle grounding system for maximum safety in your loading operations. ARE YOUR GROUND I NG SYSTEM OPT I ONS L IMI TED? AS PART OF YOUR SCULLY OVERFILL PREVENTION SYSTEM: Scully Groundhog™Vehicle Static Grounding System Model Description Part # ST-47-115 EL Control monitor with lamps (115 VAC operation) 08508 ST-47-115 ELK Control monitor with lamps and key protected bypass switch (115 VAC operation) 08220 ST-47-115 ELK/D Control monitor with lamps, key protected bypass switch with additional circuitry for deadman switch 08749 ST-47-240 EL Control monitor with lamps (240 VAC operation) 08675 ST-47-240 ELK Control monitor with lamps and key protected bypass switch (240 VAC operation) 08502 SC-47 Rack mounted heavy duty junction box with 20' straight cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle mounted ground proving ball (Independent System) 08249 SC-47CC Rack mounted heavy duty junction box with 32' coiled cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle mounted ground proving ball (Independent System) 08567 SC-47CC/D Same as SC-47-CC with additional circuitry for the deadman switch for aviation applications 08653 CONTROL UN I TS AND PLUG & CABLE ASSEMBLY If you intend to wire the Groundhog™ in conjunction with your existing Scully Overfill Prevention System, you need only order the control monitor. For the independent system, order the control monitor and junction box with plug and cable. ORDER I NG I NFORMAT I ON Scully Ground Bolt