Petroleum Terminal Handling and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

5 Bulk plant and loading terminal meters The larger sizes of M and MS Series meters are ideal for bulk measurement of product during loading and unloading of tanks, transports, railcars, ships, barges, and more. The MS Series meters are housed in a spherical steel case for higher system pressure applications up to 1,440 PSI. MS Series spherical case meters provide the ruggedness, accuracy, and selection of inlet/outlet configurations to handle nearly any bulk metering requirement. Meter accessories include bulk air/vapor eliminators, strainers, valves, and mechanical or electronic registers. Turbine meters in many sizes are also available for loading terminal applications where small size due to limited available space is a consideration in meter selection. Skid systems are designed to accommodate all necessary ancillary equipment including strainers, air eliminators, valves, and a selection of mechanical or electronic registers and load computers. Systems come fully piped and ready for installation and field calibration. Prover systems are also available built to customer specifications. Contact the factory for complete details. MSA meter with mechanical r g n Common load rack/terminal meter model numbers Application Description Model Refined fuels 3", 350- GPM spherical-case meter with strainer/air eliminator, MS-30-K-1 valve, and register 4", 700- GPM spherical-case meter with strainer/air eliminator, MS-75-K-1 valve, and register Turbine meter with IT400 MS meter with electronic registration