CANADA’S LEADER IN ENERGY PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT PLANT, TRUCK & TANK EQUIPMENT LIQUID WITHDRAWAL / TRANSFER VALVES & ADAPTERS Turbo Flo LE- Dry Break Transfer System Low Emission Transfer Adapters NEE # Connection Material ME866-8 1” MNPT x 1-3/4” Male ACME Brass ME866-10 1-1/4” MNPT x 1-3/4” Male ACME ME866A-8 1” MNPT x 1-3/4” Male ACME with Filter Screen ME866A-10 1-1/4” MNPT x 1-3/4” Male ACME with Filter Screen ME867-10 1-1/4” MNPT x 2-1/4” Male ACME ME867A-10 1-1/4” MNPT x 2-1/4” Male ACME with Filter Screen ME868-16 2” MNPT x 3-1/4” Male ACME ME868-24 3” MNPT x 3-1/4” Male ACME ME868A-16 2” MNPT x 3-1/4” Male ACME with Filter Screen ME868A-24 3” MNPT x 3-1/4” Male ACME with Filter Screen Accessories NEE # Description ME868BLK Turbo-Flo LE By-Pass Line Kit with Check for ME868 Series Adapters ME868MIB Turbo-Flo LE Mechanical Interlock Brake - Retro-Fit Kit for ME868 Series Adapters ME868PIB Turbo-Flo LE Proximity Interlock Bracket for ME868 Series Adapters - Temperature Range -20 to +160° F MEP105 Back Check Test Adapter (Brass), for ME868-16/24 MULTI-PURPOSE FILLER/WITHDRAWAL VALVES Multi-Purpose Filler Valves Application: Intended for use as a high capacity filler valve with a manual shut-off device in LPG or NH3 containers. These valves can be equipped with either a soft seat back check or excess flow feature that is internal to the container. The excess flow version can also be used as a vapour equalizing valve typically found in NH3 applicators and nurse tank applications. Features: • Plated ductile iron body with 1/4” NPT auxiliary plugged port • All stainless steel internal construction for maximum corrosion resistance • Supplied with ACME cap & chain assembly • V-cup Teflon® packing stem seals • Rated 400 PSI / WOG • Removable data plate Note : For proper operation and performance of the excess flow feature the manual shutoff must be completely open and back seated. Approximate Excess Flow Closing Flow Accessories NEE # Inlet (MNPT) Fill Connection (M.ACME) * Fill Capacity (GPM/LPG) * Liquid (GPM/LPG) ** Vapour (SCFH/LPG) Back Check Hydrostatic Relief Vent Valve ME670DBC 1-1/4” 1-3/4” 100 N/A N/A Yes MEH225*** / MEH225SS MEJ400*** / MEJ402S ME670DEX 58 27,000 No * For NH3 Flow Rates Multiply by .90 ** For NH3 @ 100 PSI, Multiply by 1.6 *** Brass accessories cannot be used for NH3 ME868BLK ME868PIB MEP105 ME868MIB ME670DBC