CANADA’S LEADER IN ENERGY PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT PLANT, TRUCK & TANK EQUIPMENT HOSE END NOZZLES & ADAPTERS Hose End Fill Nozzles & Adapters Used in conjunction with ball, globe, angle, toggle or quick acting valves to adapt hoses to various container filling requirements. The adapers listed allow hose end valves designed for specific container valves to be adapted to various other valve styles. This, in turn, will also allow for multiple valve configurations to be filled with single hose dispensing systems. NEE # Inlet Size Outlet Connection Application Notes M640-4 1 1/4” Female ACME 1/2” MNPT Vapour Return CouplingME390 1/4” M NPT M POL POL Cylinder Fill Nozzle, 6” OAL Replacement O-ring (568-110-01) ME390S ME390 with steel nipple Replacement Stainless Steel Stem (ME390SWR-1) ME388 POL Cylinder Fill Nozzle, 2 11/16” OALME515 F. 1-5/16” Type 1 ACME QCC Cylinder Fill Nozzle, 7” OAL EZ Grip Handle ME516 QCC Cylinder Fill Nozzle, 6” OAL Standard Grip with Hand wheel ME516S QCC Cylinder Fill Nozzle (Stainless Steel Nipple), 6” OAL ME392 F. POL QCC Cylinder Fill Adapter, 2 1/2” OALME393 M. 1-5/16” Type 1 ACME M POL QCC Cylinder Fill to POL Adapter, 2 1/2” OAL Round Brass Handweel ME393HD Forged Brass Handwheel ME394 F 1-1/4” ACME QCC fill to Forklift Adapter ME569 F 1-3/4” ACME QCC fill to Auto valve ME393-1 1/4” F NPT QCC fill to your choice ME790 1/4” M NPT 1 1/4” F Lift Truck valve Forklift Cylinder Fill NozzleME795 1 1/4” F ACME Forklift Quick Filler Replacement Tip Seal (ME795-3-02), Low Emission ME568 F. POL 1 3/4” F ACME Short Brass POL to ACME Adapter With Swivel ACME Filler Hose Check Valve Adapters These adapters are intended to be attached to the LP gas delivery truck hose outlet. All have minimal flow restriction and a single back check valve that will allow the driver to leave it on the container valve in the event of a filler valve failure, preventing the loss of product and allowing the driver to wait until the container is emptied before attempting valve repair. The ME571H High Capacity S fety Fill Adapter features the industry’s highest flow rate of 86 GPM LPG @ 30 PSI pressure differential. NEE # Inlet Outlet Notes ME570 1 3/4” M. ACME 1 3/4” F. ACME Non-Swivel - ME571 1 3/4” F. ACME Swivel ME571H 1 3/4” F. ACME High Capacity Hose End Check Adapter High Capacity Safety Fill Adapter ME572 1 3/4” F. ACME Swivel Single piece brass body ME574 With Bleeder Vent Valve ME578 Full flow ball valve shut-off M570 1 3/4” F. ACME Non-Swivel Outer washer T13098 / Inner T13103 Replacement Part NEE # Description ME578-02 Replacement Key for ME578 ME516 ME515 ME392 ME790 ME388 ME390 ME393 ME578 M570 ME570 ME571 ME571H