Retail Petroleum Equipment

NOTE: If you experience frequent filter changes, it is recommended that you have fuel samples analyzed to determine the source of contamination, such as water, dirt, rust, bacteria, phase separation, etc. BENEFITS ■ PetroClear model 50710W is a particulate removing and water sensing spin-on filter designed for use on fuel and hydraulic suction and return line applications. ■ PetroClear model 50710W is a particulate and water sensing spin-on filter. These filters are designed to sense water, both free and emulsified, and slow flow as an indicator of the presence of water in NEAT GASOLINE, diesel fuels and hydraulic fluids. ■ PetroClear model 50710W filter offers efficient 10 micron nominal particulate removal (nominal = 75% efficiency) and senses both free and emulsified water in NEAT GASOLINE, diesel and hydraulic fluids. ■ Will not detect phase separation in Ethanol blended fuels. ■ The water-sensing filter is not a fool-proof mechanical positive shut-off. If this filter remains in service after going into slow flow it can return to full flow, allowing contaminated fuel to be dispensed into the consumer’s vehicle and cause potential damage. ■ Compatible with Biodiesel fuel. 507 SERIES WATER SENSING & PARTICULATE REMOVING 50710W For Fuel and Hydraulic Applications Note:Will NOT Sense Water in Ethanol Blended Fuel SPECIFICATIONS ■ The PetroClear model 50710W utilizes a 10 micron cellulose media to remove particulate from gasoline and diesel fuels including all Ethanol blended gasoline, Biodiesel and ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel). Removes a minimum of 75% of particulate 10 micron in size (and approximately 100% of larger particulate) with water sensing capability in NEAT GASOLINE and diesel fuel. ■ The maximum flow rate for PetroClear model 50710W is 40 gpm (151 lpm). Maximum operating pressure is 50 psid (3.4 bar). Maximum differential pressure is 25 psid (1.7 bar). Collapse pressure is 150 psid (10.3 bar). Maximum operating temperature is 250°F (139°C). ■ PetroClear model 50710W utilizes a standard 1-1/2"-16 UNF mounting thread ref. (1" flow) required for most spin-on filter adaptors used in aftermarket and/or high-flow applications. ■ An adaptor is available for model 50710W in aluminum.These adaptors are available in both NPT or BSP inlet/outlet threads. Inlet/outlet sizes are available in 3/4" and 1" single adaptors. This adaptor is also available in a dual style with both 1-1/2" and 2" inlet/outlet (2"– 4" bolt SAE flange combination). ■ Each filter is packaged with a separate gasket that will fit most standard brands of adaptor filter mounting bases. Install gasket in adaptor’s groove by placing in groove at 3 to 4 places and then smoothing gasket between those points. Lubricate with light oil. NOTE: Gasket does not mount on filter! ■ If using this filter in a hydraulic/lube oil application, verify that you are applying the filter on a spin-on filter head that has a by-pass valve. For disposal information please contact your nearest EPA office. 02-10 PC-507-W+P PetroClear FILTERS ARE NOT TO BE USED IN AVIATION FUEL APPLICATIONS.