Retail Petroleum Equipment

81 FLUID INVENTORY CONTROL FLUID INVENTORY CONTROL | fUSION (DCS) FEATURES DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM (DCS): Increase system capacity to 16 fluids and 250 dispense points Add capacity at any time fusion Central handles are building blocks of the fusion DCS Generate reports by product, operator, or customer Monitor inventory levels Two separate security levels Optional external printer for job tickets • • • • • • • MODELS AVAILABLE 3110-013 Master Keypad 3110-014 Dispense Keypad 3331-018* Handle for petroleum based fluids 3331-019* Handle for water based solutions, brake fluid 3120-055 Remote antenna with 17’ cable 3120-056 Remote antenna with 30’ cable 3120-057 Antenna Splitter 3120-059 50’ RS 232 Cable 3120-060 100’ RS 232 Cable 3120-061 Optional External Printer with cable *order lance separately fusion DCS, Distributed Control System Wireless Master Keypad 1 Dispense Keypad 1 – 36 Wireless Metered Control Handles 1 – 250 Number of Fluids 1 – 16 Serial Printer Port 1 fusion SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 3110-014 3110-013 3120-061 PC 3331-018 3110-014 LANCE AVAILABLE fusion CONSOLE / KEYPAD SPECIFICATIONS Supervisor Accounts 1 Supervisory Authority Initialization, Configuration, Communication, & Reporting User IDs 1 – 250 Operator Authority Dispense Orders Tanks Calibration Quarts, Liters, Pints, and Gallons CPU TI MSP430 8-bit Communications – USA 2-way 902-928MHz Frequency hopping spread spectrum* Power requiremen 120 VAC, 60 Hz Operating Temperature range 14 °F to 140 °F (-10 °C to 60°C) (Indoor usage only) fusion WIRELESS CONTROL HANDLE SPECIFICAITONS Minimum and Maximum Flow 5 – 10 GPM Maximum Operating Pressure 1000 PSI Meter Accuracy +/- 0.5% LCD Display 5 char; 10mm H x 5mm W Unit of Measurement Quarts, Liters, Pints, and Gallons Inlet/Outlet Connection ½ NPT (order lances separately) fusion control handles are compatible with diesel fuel and may be sold and used for diesel dispensing. **fusion systems may not work with cordless phones, or other electronic devices within the same frequency range. 3332-067 Flex, auto-lock 3332-066 Rigid, auto-lock 3332-083 Rigid, High Flow Semi-automatic 3332-084 Flex, High Flow Semi-automatic