Retail Petroleum Equipment

VIIIS BSPP Nozzles Pressure activated, automatic shut-off nozzle with polymer handguard for truck stop and other high volume full-service, self-service and unattended stations. • VIIIS nozzle shuts off when: — the pump shuts off. — the gas tank is full. — the lever is opened before the pump is turned on. — the leak detector has not completed the test cycle. • Nozzle is equipped with a unique Flo-Stop® device that shuts off the nozzle if LW IDOOV IURP WKH ÀOO WDQN RU raises above the horizontal. • Spout is reinforced with thick aluminum bushing that retains spout spring and keeps spout from rounding-in: the two leading causes of clicking off and splash-back spillage. HIGH VOLUME FUELING 4-9 New Nozzles MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION SHIPPING WEIGHT LBS (KG) ZLWK 7KUHH 1RWFK +ROG 2SHQ &OLS :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG DQG 6SRXW %XVKLQJ ZLWKRXW +ROG 2SHQ &OLS ZLWK :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG DQG 6SRXW %XVKLQJ ZLWKRXW 6SRXW %XVKLQJ ZLWK 7KUHH 1RWFK +ROG 2SHQ &OLS DQG :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG ZLWKRXW +ROG 2SHQ &OLS DQG 6SRXW %XVKLQJ ZLWK :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG Construction %RG\ $OXPLQXP 6HDOV )OXRURFDUERQ 3DFNLQJ 'RXEOH R ULQJ VHDO SURWHFWHG E\ ÀEHU UHLQIRUFHG 7HÁRQ® /HYHU 2QH SLHFH FRQWRXUHG VWHHO ,QOHW µ PP %633 ® 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 LPM GPM WIDE OPEN FLOW PSI KPa INLET PRESSURE (SpG = .78) FUEL FLOW Rev 8 11/19 WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY