Retail Petroleum Equipment

DEF Nozzles Automatic shut-off Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) nozzle for full-service and self-service stations. • Modular design for easy cleaning. • Constructed from materials 100% compatible with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). • Nozzle shuts off when the DEF tank is full. • Available with magnetic Accufuel® safety feature. • Equipped with a unique Flo-Stop® device that shuts off the nozzle if it falls IURP WKH ÀOO WDQN RU UDLVHV above the horizontal. • Comes standard with mate QR]]OH JXDUG DQG ÁXWHG handle cover. • Stainless Steel construction. DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID 3-1 ® DEF Nozzles with 1” BSPP MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION SHIPPING WEIGHT LBS (KG) 731004N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip; without Spout Ring and magnetic Accufuel® Spout 4.6 (2.1) 731088N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip and Spout Ring; without magnetic Accufuel® Spout 4.6 (2.1) 731091N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip, Spout Ring and magnetic Accufuel® Spout 4.6 (2.1) 1043691N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip, Spout Ring, magnetic Accufuel® 6SRXW DQG :DIÁH *XDUG 0 7KUHDGV 7310192N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip, Spout Ring, *URXQGLQJ &DEOH DQG 6SRXW &DS ZLWKRXW PDJQHWLF Accufuel® Spout 4.6 (2.1) DEF Nozzles with M34 MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION SHIPPING WEIGHT LBS (KG) 1043691N^ with Two Notch Hold Open Clip, Spout Ring, magnetic Accufuel® 6SRXW DQG :DIÁH *XDUG Construction %RG\ ,QYHVWPHQW &DVW 6WDLQOHVV 6WHHO 6HDOV )OXRURFDUERQ 3DFNLQJ 'RXEOH R ULQJ VHDO SURWHFWHG E\ ÀEHU UHLQIRUFHG 7HÁRQ® /HYHU 2QH SLHFH FRQWRXUHG VWHHO ZLWK KDUG SODVWLF FRYHU Inlet 1” / 25.4 mm BSPP 0 )DFH 6HDO WKUHDGV 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LPM GPM WIDE OPEN FLOW PSI KPa INLET PRESSURE (SpG = .78) DEF FLOW ^ NOT LISTED ^ NOT LISTED Rev 10 11/19 WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY