Retail Petroleum Equipment

WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY X E85 Nozzles Automatic shut-off nozzle for full-service and self-service stations. • Aluminum body, spout, and internal parts are nickel plated to prevent contamination and corrosion from Ethanol blends. • StreamShaper® reduces turbulence for straighter IXHO ÁRZ DQG OHVV VSODVK back spillage. • &RPSDWLEOH ZLWK XQOHDGHG and all Ethanol blends through E-85. • A reinforced stainless steel spout bushing keeps the spout tip round and acts as a captive fastener to prevent tip-end sensor damage. • 1R]]OH LV HTXLSSHG ZLWK D unique Flo-Stop® device that shuts off the nozzle if LW IDOOV IURP WKH ÀOO WDQN RU raises above the horizontal. • Husky® X nozzle shuts off ZKHQ WKH JDV WDQN LV IXOO • 1R]]OH FRPHV ZLWK VPRRWK full grip guard. • All seals are UL approved ÁXRURFDUERQ FRPSRXQGV WR prevent deterioration from Ethanol blends. • 1HZ SRSSHW VHDO GHVLJQ LPSURYHV ÁRZ FRQWURO DQG provides enhanced endurance over time. ETHANOL FUELING 6-1 New Unleaded Nozzles MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION SHIPPING WEIGHT LBS (KG) 659404N^ with Three Notch Hold Open Clip 2.8 (1.2) 1A ZLWK 7KUHH 1RWFK +ROG 2SHQ &OLS DQG :DIÁH 6SODVK Guard 3.0 (1.2) 1A ZLWK 7KUHH 1RWFK +ROG 2SHQ &OLS :DIÁH 6SODVK Guard and Flo-Equalizer® 3.0 (1.2) 659454N^ with Three Notch Hold Open Clip and Flo-Equalizer® 2.8 (1.2) 659495N^ with Three Notch Hold Open Clip, POPD® 6 )XOO *ULS *XDUG :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG 6594100N^ with Three Notch Hold Open Clip, POPD® 6 )XOO *ULS *XDUG :DIÁH 6SODVK *XDUG DQG 6LJKWJODVV Construction %RG\ 2QH SLHFH GLH FDVW DOXPLQXP ZLWK (OHFWUROHVV 1LFNHO 3ODWLQJ 6HDOV )OXRURFDUERQ 3DFNLQJ 'RXEOH 2 ULQJ VHDO SURWHFWHG E\ ÀEHU UHLQIRUFHG 7HÁRQ® /HYHU 2QH SLHFH FRQWRXUHG VWHHO ZLWK KDUG SODVWLF FRYHU ,QOHW ôµ PP 137 Rev 7 12/19 ® 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LPM GPM WIDE OPEN FLOW PSI KPa INLET PRESSURE (SpG = .78) FUEL FLOW ^ NOT LISTED