Fleet Management Bid Specification SP-7178 01/12 Gasboy│7300 W Friendly Ave│Greensboro, NC 27410 8 The passive fuel ring shall have the following environmental specifications: Operating temperature range: -40C to +85C Bounce and vibration to meet automotive requirements 8.0 Vehicle Data Modules - DataPass+ The following vehicle data modules shall be available: 8.1 Vehicle data module for OBDII – DataPass+ The following types shall be available: Type 1: Plug-in vehicle data bus module for CAN/OBD interface Type 2: Plug-in vehicle data bus module for K-Line/OBD interface Type 1 and Type 2 shall be miniature plug-in wireless devices requiring no external power connection. The micro modules shall plug in into the vehicle diagnostic connector (OBD) intended for light duty vehicles. Software updates to the vehicle data bus modules shall be accomplished through the site controller. The vehicle module shall be capable to be installed on any vehicle type The vehicle data bus modules shall be easily installed by non-technical personnel. 8.2 Vehicle data module for J1708 and J1939 – DataPass+ The vehicle module shall be a miniature wireless device. The module shall be wired to the vehicle diagnostic connector (J1708 or J1939) intended for heavy vehicles and trucks and will also be able to connect to older vehicle which have vehicle speed sensor (VSS) for odometer reading and engine hour reading. 9.0 Wireless Programmer Only one wireless programmer shall be required to program all the system devices. Shall be capable of programming the wireless nozzle reader, passive fuel ring and vehicle data modules. The Programmer shall have a menu driven alphanumeric and character keypad with display. The Programmer shall be powered by rechargeable batteries with power supply Shall be able to check, in easy English text, correct information transmitted from the various devices. 10.0 Host Software 10.1 General The software shall support multiple fuel site controllers and allow data consolidation.