When It Comes To Payment Solutions You Have A Choice. Liability Shift And What It Means To Your Business When a credit card is stolen, one of the first places that the thief goes is to the gas station. Today, when that happens it is not a big problem for you because you still get paid and the credit card company takes the loss. The credit card companies have been trying to fight this type of fraud with software solutions and restrictions on credit card use at the pump. business model and infrastructure you use today. We work with some of the best and most respected retailers in the world. Currently, if a stolen credit card is used the credit card company takes the loss. This is going to change. If you don’t paying for this gas out of your pocket. PetroLane AJB Software Design Inc. 5255 Solar Drive Mississauga ON L4W 5B8 Canada 905-282-1877 ajbsoftware.com PetroLane is a simple, all-in-one point of sale (POS) designed with the independent fuel operator in mind. Merchants can increase their bottom line by connecting peripherals with a single software package. AJB Software understands retailing. When a system is implemented we know that you want the flexibility to work around your busy times. We provide fast response time and often problems are fixed in hours. AJB Software is a relatively new player in the Petroleum space. But they are not new to payment processing for retailers. Their clients include some of the best, fastest growing and most respected retailers in the world. Call today to learn how PetroLane from AJB Software can reduce your liability from credit card theft while giving you a system with flexibility you require. Protect yourself by ensuring your system can recognize a secure credit card.