Retail Petroleum Equipment

54 Model Description PMA33 1/3 hp pump motor assembly (16" long) PMA75 ¾ hp 18¼" pump motor assembly (18¼" long) PMA150 1½ hp pump motor assembly (21" long) PMAH150 1½ hp high pressure pump motor assembly (21¾" long) PMA200 2 hp pump motor assembly (23¾" long) PMAM200 2 hp pump motor assembly with MagShell® (23¾" long) PMAH200 2 hp high pressure pump motor assembly (24½" long) PMAHM200 2 hp high pressure pump motor assembly with MagShell® (24½" long) Model Description PMAAG33 1/3 hp AG pump motor assembly (16" long) PMAAG75 ¾ hp AG pump motor assembly (18¼" long) PMAAG150 1½ hp AG pump motor assembly (21" long) PMAAGH150 1½ hp AG high pressure pump motor assembly (21¾" long) PMAAG200 2 hp AG pump motor assembly (23¾" long) PMAAGM200 2 hp AG high pressure pump motor assembly with MagShell® (23¾" long) PMAAGH200 2 hp AG high pressure pump motor assembly (24½" long) PMAAGHM200 2 hp AG high pressure pump motor assembly with MagShell® (24½" long) Model Description PMAMVS2 2 hp variable speed pump motor assembly with MagShell® (20" long) PMAAGMVS2 2 hp AG variable speed pump motor assembly with MagShell® (20" long) PMAMVS4 4 hp variable speed pump motor assembly with MagShell® (25" long) PMAAGMVS4 4 hp AG variable speed pump motor assembly with MagShell® (25" long) Note: Remove “M” from model number for non-MagShell® pump motor assemblies. * For pump motor assemblies (PMAs) with floating section adapters (1½" NPT female connections), specify “F” in the number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. For PMAs with intake filter screen, specify "K" in the model number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. Model Description STPEXT-XXX Fixed length extractable (XXX indicates model length, p/n 400394901) * STPAGEXT-XXX AG Fixed length extractable (XXX indicates Model Length, p/n 400394905) * STPEXT-VL1 Variable length #1 extractable (p/n 402074901) STPEXT-VL2 Variable length #2 extractable (p/n) 402075902) STPEXT-VL3 Variable length #3 extractable (p/n 402075903) STPAGEXT-VL1 AG variable length #1 extractable (p/n 402201902) STPAGEXT-VL2 AG variable length #2 extractable (p/n 402202902) STPAGEXT-VL3 AG variable length #3 extractable (p/n 402203902) STPAPEXT-VL1 AP variable length #1 extractable (p/n 403614901) ** STPAPEXT-VL2 AP variable length #2 extractable (p/n 403614902) ** STPAPEXT-VL3 AP variable length #3 extractable (p/n 403614903) ** Note: Remove “M” from model number for non-MagShell® pump motor assemblies. *For pump motor assemblies (PMAs) with floating section adapters (1½" NPT female connections), specify “F” in the number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. For PMAs with intake filter screen, specify "K" in the model number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. Note: Remove “M” from model number for non-MagShell® pump motor assemblies. * For pump motor assemblies (PMAs) with floating section adapters (1½" NPT female connections), specify “F” in the number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. For PMAs with intake filter screen, specify "K" in the model number; adder charge applies when ordering PMA. *Model length (XXX) defined as the dimension form turbine manifold bottom to pump motor inlet. Model length (A) can be a minimum of 37' to a maximum of 211", Fixed Length adders apply for Extractable Model Lengths 133" and longer (please call Customer Service for lead times of Extractables with a model length of 181" and longer). **Please call Customer Service for lead times of AP Extractables. SUBMERSIBLE TURBINE PUMPS Replacement Pump Motor Assemblies* Replacement Gasoline Motor Assemblies* Replacement Variable Speed Pump Motor Assemblies* 4" STP Extractable Sections (Less Manifold, Riser, and PMA)