Retail Petroleum Equipment

35 Manholes and Sumps Square Manhole Square box to provide access to equipment etc. on driveway surface. Meets H-20 load requirements. Fig. 424…knock-down style for service stations. Requires minimal assembly at job site. Is not H-20 rated. Fig. 524…remediation type use for site clean-up. Bolt down, gasketed cover. Pre-assembled, all-welded construction. Fig. 524H…same as 524, but with handle for easy removal. Manhole Round manholes with non-bolted cover. Used for access ports in driveways where limited access and/or watertight conditions are not required. Meets H-20 load requirements. Fig. 424 Fig. 318VR…cover indicates “vapor recovery”. Fig. 318TM…cover indicates “tank monitor” for UST leak detection. Fig. 318VR Fig. 318TM Fig. 318XA Fig. 318 Fig. 318…plain cover for general purpose. *Size = diameter x skirt length Fig 318XA…Monitoring Well Manhole. “Test well” warning with API symbol. Fig. 524 Fig. 424 (14 ga. skirt, 3/8", 4-way floor plate (cover)) Weight 24" x 24" x 10" deep skirt 97 lbs Fig. 524 (14 ga. skirt, 3/8", 4-way floor plate (cover)) Weight 24" x 24" x 12" deep skirt 120 lbs 24" x 24" x 24" deep skirt Fig. 524H (14 ga. skirt, 3/8", 4-way floor plate (cover)) 24" x 24" x 24" deep skirt 128 lbs Size* Construction Weight 9" x 7" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 15 lbs 12" x 7" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 28 lbs 12" x 12" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 25 lbs 18" x 12" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 58 lbs 18" x 18" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 71 lbs 24" x 18" Fabricated & painted steel ring/cover/ skirt 104 lbs Size* Construction Weight 18" x 12" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 65 lbs 18" x 18" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 79 lbs Size* Construction Weight 12" x 12" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 25 lbs Size* Construction Weight 9" x 7" Cast iron ring/cover, Galv steel skirt 15 lbs 318 Series 424 & 524 Series Watertight Monitoring Well Manhole Premium grade monitoring well manhole. Fully watertight, one-piece cast iron ring and skirt. Skirt and ring powder coated black. Permanent black triangle on white warning decal with brass well plate for stamping well number. Buna-N seal (replaceable), stainless steel bolt machined with o-ring groove, made to stay on cover when removed. Available with powder coated cover in white. Meets H-20 load requirements. Size Weight 9" 32 lbs 12" 67 lbs Fig. 519 519