Retail Petroleum Equipment

12 EMERGENCY SHUTOFF VALVES Fig. 636F Fig. 323B *:6 Body and shear section…cast iron (epoxy coated) Disc…Viton® O-rings…Viton® Gasket…graphite Shaft…stainless steel Handle…aluminum Unibody incorporates U-bolt and post mount bracket connections with male, female and union style pipe threads (NPT) at the outlet (top connection). Also available with regular and containment style inlet. (Containment style is made for direct hookup to secondary containment piping.) British Pipe Threads also available. Emergency Shutoff Valve UL Listed…required on underground tank motor fueling systems. The emergency shutoff valve, or “impact valve”, is installed on the fuel line + $ \ $ $ ^ In normal operation, the valve is left open, held in position by a fusible link. A shear section is located in the upper half of the valve and must be installed level with the base of the dispenser. In an emergency, the handle releases and the spring-loaded poppet assembly will close. ' * * …this valve requires periodic inspection to ensure the shutoff mechanism is operating correctly. Always shutoff the This valve is not intended to be used as a “block valve” and should not be opened under pressure. Opening under pressure can damage or distort internal components. *:6 Body…aluminum (hard-coated) Disc…Buna-N or Viton Stem…plated brass Spring…stainless steel Viton® available Fig. 323C Vapor Recovery Used for Stage I Vapor Recovery. Adaptors are installed Y[ 'Q $ vapor recovery hose on truck. Various styles available (listed below). EVR models also available. Fig. 323…aluminum adaptor (threaded). Fig. 323B…aluminum adaptor (threaded) with brake interlock mounting pad. (Available without internals). Fig. 323BSP…aluminum adaptor with brake interlock mounting pad and BSP threads. Fig. 323C $ $ < Y[ adaptors. Lockable with Buna-N gasket and orange powder coat. Fig. 323SA…brass swivel adaptor. Fig. 323XB…brass adaptor (threaded). ?2?N ?2? Fig. 323SA Sizes A! Q A! ?2? ' 6 6 J: % )< A! Q A! ?2? 6 6 J: % )< A! Q A! ?2?N N 6 6 J: % )< A! Q A! ?2? ' 6 6 6 ' A! Q A! ?2? 6 6 J6 ' A! Q A! ?2? N N 6 6 J6 ' ! Q A! ?2? ' 6 6 J: % )< ! Q A! ?2? 6 6 J: % )< ! Q A! ?2?N N 6 6 J: % )< ! Q A! ?2? ' 6 6 J6 ' ! Q A! ?2? 6 6 J6 ' ! Q A! ?2? N N 6 6 J6 ' ! Q ! ?2? 6 6 J: % )< ! Q ! ?2? 6 6 J6 ' ! Q ! ?2? ' 6 6 J: % )< ! Q ! ?2? ' 6 6 J6 ' *NOTE… # > ; * ( \ )@ * ]^\ ( * = Fig. Size Weight 2 2 >! ) * Q 2! "# 2 $ % 2 2 >! ) * Q 2! "# + ]^\ 2 $ % 2 2[ >! ) * Q >! "# 2 $ % 2 2[ >! ) * Q >! "# + ]^\ 2 $ % 2 2 >! Q 2! > & % 2 2 >! ) * Q >! "# > $ % 2 2 [ >! & % 2 2 [ >! & % 2 2 ( >! Q >! & $ % Fig. 323 636 Series 323 Series VAPOR RECOVERY ADAPTORS