Every tank tells a story Every day, you spend valuable time checking inventory levels for ordering fuel or verifying correct delivery amounts. If you are manually sticking your tanks, you are not getting the full story. Do not lose inventory, productivity, or customer loyalty by relying on incorrect manual monitoring. The TLS4i/TLS4C automatic tank gauge systems are easy to navigate solutions that affordably streamline your wet stock management. Proven Precision Proven Protection Proven Partner Proven Profit Wet Stock Management t *NQSPWF BDDVSBDZ PWFS NBOVBM SFDPODJMJBUJPO NFUIPET t &MJNJOBUF TUJDL SFBEPVU FSSPS t &MJNJOBUF EBUB USBOTDSJQUJPO FSSPS t "WPJE NBOVBM SFDPODJMJBUJPO WBSJBODF DBVTFE CZ UFNQFSBUVSF EFMJWFSZ TIPSUBHFT UBOL UJMU TUJDL JOBDDVSBDZ BOE MFBLT Productivity Improvements t Color Touch Screen o FBTZ DMFBS OBWJHBUJPO RVJDLMZ QPJOUT UP DSVDJBM JOGPSNBUJPO XIJDI BMMPXT PQFSBUPST UP GPDVT PO DVTUPNFST t Custom Alarms o QSFQSPHSBNNFE BMBSN BMFSUT QSPWJEF TDFOBSJP TQFDJåD JOGPSNBUJPO UP QSFEFUFSNJOFE JOEJWJEVBMT UP JODSFBTF FGåDJFODZ t Customized Home Screen and Favorites o FBTF PG VTF TBWFT PQFSBUPS SFTQPOTF UJNF Proven Profit The compact and powerful TLS4i/TLS4C monitoring systems are perfect solutions for inventory visibility. View, configure, and control using the Graphic User Interface (GUI), or remotely via web-enabled, to improve efficiency and save money. Standard features include: t Faster Problem Resolution o SFNPUF USPVCMFTIPPUJOH BOE EJBHOPTJT QSFWFOUT VOOFDFTTBSZ EJTQBUDI BOE NPSF FGåDJFOU TFSWJDF DBMMT t Customer Satisfaction o FMJNJOBUFT NBOVBM UBOL EJQQJOH TP TUBUJPO NBOBHFST IBWF NPSF UJNF UP XPSL XJUI DVTUPNFST