Retail Petroleum Equipment

Proven Protection t Temperature Compensated Volume o TPQIJTUJDBUFE BMHPSJUINT DPNQFOTBUF GPS UIF JNQBDU PG UFNQFSBUVSF PO QSPEVDUWPMVNF EFMJWFSJOHBQSFDJTFJOWFOUPSZQJDUVSF t Advanced Sensor Technology o DPNQBUJCMF XJUI FYJTUJOH 7FFEFS 3PPU TFOTPST BOE QSPCFT t Standard Delivery Report o QSPWJEFT SFBM UJNF EFUBJMT PGEFMJWFSZTUBSUBOEFOEUJNFT UFNQFSBUVSF WPMVNF IFJHIU BOE XBUFS t Smart Communicationo GPS OPUJåDBUJPOT PG QSF QSPHSBNNFE FWFOUT CZ FNBJM PS GBY t Inventory Level o SFBM UJNF BDDFTT UP JOWFOUPSZ MFWFMT BOZUJNF BOZXIFSF t Graphical User Interface o EFTJHOFE XJUI GFBUVSFT GPS FBTFPGVTFJODMVEJOHXPSLýPXXJ[BSE DPOUFYUTFOTJUJWFIFMQ BOE VTFS EFåOFE GBWPSJUFT 125 Powder Forest Drive PO Box 2003 Simsbury, CT 06070 1.888.561.7942 ©2015 Veeder-Root 576047-217 REV B Contact Us Proven Precision The Veeder-Root TLS4i/TLS4C monitoring systems use sensors, probes and advanced software solutions to deliver accurate wet stock and forecourt information, that protects your fuel assets whether you are on-site or with your family. t Web-Enabled Remote Connectivity o BOZUJNF BOZXIFSF BDDFTT WJB XFC FOBCMFE EFWJDFT UP NPOJUPS TJUF QFSGPSNBODF QSPWJEJOH QFBDF PG NJOE CZ EFMJWFSJOH SFBM UJNF BMFSUT DPNQMJBODF SFQPSUT BOE WBSJBODF BOBMZTJT t Data Protection o TUPSF VQ UP ZFBST PG EBUB BOE QSPUFDU JU GSPN QPXFS PVUBHFT CBUUFSZ SFQMBDFNFOUT PS TPGUXBSF VQHSBEFT t Reduced Risks o FMJNJOBUFT NBOVBM UBOL EJQQJOH SFEVDJOH FYQPTVSF UP IBSNGVM GVNFT BOE NJOJNJ[JOH GPSFDPVSU BDDFTT t Customized User Access o VTFS DPOåHVSBCMF MPHJO FOBCMFT EFQMPZNFOU PG DPNQBOZ TQFDJåD TFDVSJUZ DPOUSPMT BOE QSPDFEVSFT t Timed Sudden Loss Detection o NPOJUPS DIBOHFT JO JOWFOUPSZ EVF UP UIFGU EVSJOH RVJFU QFSJPET WJB QSPHSBNNBCMF TDIFEVMJOH Proven Partner Founded nearly a century ago, Veeder-Root is the global leader of automatic tank gauges, backed by an unmatched service network. Around the globe, more than half a million petroleum marketers and commercial fueling businesses enjoy increased profits and protection of their fuel assets with Veeder-Root’s solutions. Our proven company history, combined with the highest precision levels in our wet stock management tools, delivers results that matter and the protection your business deserves. The TLS4i/TLS4C automatic tank gauges are affordable wet stock management solutions that deliver accurate, crucial information, including: Application Software: 333578-001 TLS4i application software Hardware: 860199-120 TLS4i console, UL/cUL with touch screen 860199-110 TLS4i console, UL/cUL without touch screen Application Software: 333577-001 TLS4c application software Hardware: 860199-020 TLS4c console, UL/cUL with touch screen 860199-010 TLS4c console, UL/cUL without touch screen Optional Software 333410-006 Continuous Statistical Leak Detection (CSLD) 333410-015 Statistical Leak Detection (SLD) 333410-018 Timed Sudden Loss Detection