Retail Petroleum Equipment

PLLD Pressurized Line Leak Detection System Today’s most profitable c-stores are putting their underground piping systems under more and more pressure. C-Store Performance Comparison Lowest Highest Performing Performing 25% 25% Avg. Monthly: Throughput 73,000 208,000 (Gallons)/Store Pre-Tax Profit/store ($21,900) $110,100 Source: National Petroleum News 2002 Marketfacts Hitting The Peak Without A Leak? With an average store investment of $1.5MM and $1.8MM, can you afford to risk losing your store to an undetected leak or one detected too late to prevent damage? What Would An Undetected Leak Cost You Or Your Business? Insurance/LUST fund deductibles + Clean-up costs + Business interruption = Enough to wipe out at least one year’s profit. Veeder-Root Pressurized Line Leak Detection Protects Your Investment While Helping Maximize Fuel Sales • More than 50% of the largest c-stores have chosen Veeder-Root’s Pressurized Line Leak Detection (PLLD) to protect their site investment. Veeder-Root Red Jacket Quantum Series Pump with PLLD. Annual Margin Gain Fueling Locations vs Incon ELLD vs MLLD 7 $3,611 $1,062 8 5,284 1,113 11 5,738 1,148 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Flow Rate Comparison w/QV2 Fueling Locations 11 8 7 • Incon LLD • Mechanical LLD • VR PLLD w/Red Jacket Pump Quantum Flow Rate/Nozzle(GPM) • Mechanical line leak detection systems provide only catastrophic protection, which can choke gas lines, and slow profits. • Other electronic line leak detection systems simply choke profits or cannot provide the level of risk management that you need to protect your site investment. Increased Flow Rate Alone Means PLLD Saves You Money A site with 11 fueling locations using PLLD and a QV2 2 horsepower pump can actually provide increased flow rates versus traditional Mechanical Line Leak Detection or Competitive Electronic Line Leak Detection (ELLD) methods. • .5 Gallons Per Minute per Nozzle higher flow rate vs. MLLD • 2 Gallons Per Minute per Nozzle higher flow rate vs. FE-IST with Incon’s ELLD The resulting Margin Gain translates to increased profits on your site investment. Take the Pressure off your Piping systems.